


Bioenergetic Response and Information Therapy (BRIT) is a holistic means to self-healing. A BRIT examination is designed to identify many possible causes of inflammation, toxicity and dysfunction in the body as detailed on the website. We utilize Muscle Response Testing. Positive and negative muscle responses indicate the nervous system responding to specific frequencies. Applying frequency signatures and information to neurovascular points on the upper body and encoding them onto water are homeopathic means of treatment. Therapy involves non-invasive manual stimulation of these points and complementary electro/info-homeopathic remedial solutions to be taken orally after therapy. These electro/info homeopathic applications effectively move the body into a healing state.


  • Open all electrical and  informational pathways for maximized communication between body systems
  • Supply the proper information to the body systems to effectively perform in their design 
  • Clean out dirty energies and supply clean energies  
  • Provide ongoing support to maintain open bioregulatory pathways



Basic Evaluation:

  • Consultation and comprehensive bioenergetic examination
  • Identification of ‘stressor’ frequencies

The BRIT procedures include: 

  • AO Scan Technology – Body, Vitals, Inner Voice Scans – Blood report, Gastrointestinal report, Toxicities, Functionality report, Nutritional report
  • LENS (Low Energy/Emission Neurofeedback System) – Biofeedback and/or Neurofeedback     
  • Eagle Research (electro-acupuncture/meridian therapy, green laser light detox, electronic signature homeopathy)
  • CBT (CranioBiotic Technique)  – Neurovascular therapy with electronically coded vials
  • Polarity Therapy -with magnets and purple plates
  • Red light therapy flashlights for increased circulation, nervous system calming, and pain reduction.

* Trauma (TBI and/or PTSD) is evaluated and suggestions for the therapeutic approach are provided.  BAUD (BioAcoustical Utilization Device) and Brain Gauge are added benefits to this evaluation and therapy


Important Disclaimer – Complementary and Alternative Medicine utilizes natural methods of system balancing but is not meant as a substitute for medical, or psychological, diagnosis and/or treatment.  Chiropractors, Massage and Bodywork therapists, Bioenergetic Consultants, Certified National Health Practitioners and Health & Wellness coaches do not diagnose conditions, nor do they perform medical treatment, prescribe medication, or interfere with the treatment of licensed medical and allopathic professionals.  Any natural healing therapy should not compete with medical doctors and their treatments.  All modalities are meant to complement medical treatments and are not a substitute for medical diagnosis and treatment, and no medical claims are made regarding these therapies.  Information provided on this website is not designed to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. People with serious conditions should consult their doctor.

Why have a disclaimer?  In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s electromagnetic therapies of various forms were common practice in a mainstream, allopathic doctor’s office.  The human body was viewed not just with biochemical properties but also with energetic properties.  This commonplace practice changed in about 1910 when John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie became the major investors in the pharmaceutical industry.  They had a report written called the Flexner Report, took it to the US Congress and soon it became illegal for federal money to be used for the research of any claim that there was energy in the body.  Any doctors in a medical facility that had professional practices using electromagnetic therapies were put in jail.  These circumstances were intimidating for the doctors of the day.  At the same time this was happening, thirteen Homeopathic Medical Schools were shut down.  The people who control medicine in this country deny the existence of energy in the body and forbade the use of electromagnetic therapies.  They developed a system called the ‘Standard of Care Medicine’ which states that if there is a specific diagnosis, the law requires the diagnosis to be treated a specific way with pharmaceutical drugs or surgery.  Any treatment recommended outside that Standard of Care is punishable by loss of license and that person is considered guilty of malpractice. 

The control of the Standard of Care Medicine is controlled by a small group of people who lean towards pharmaceutical drugs and surgery.  Therefore, if a physician or health practitioner believes there is a better way to treat a patient or prescribe treatment for a patient, it is illegal for them to disclose that opinion.  Medicine is the most supervised, most controlled business in this country.  State medical boards will still not allow traditional, allopathic doctors and allopathic practitioners to recommend or perform integrative medicine into their standard medical practice.  Integrative medicine and naturopathic therapies are considered in opposition to the Standard of Care Medicine. 

We believe this information is significant in making an informed decision about one’s personal health and well-being.